Monday, September 13, 2010

Google acquires Israeli start-up Quiksee

Article published on GLOBES [online] September 13, 2010
By Noa Parag

According to Quiksee CEO Royz, the company's technology enhances Google's Street View.

Search giant Google has found a second company to acquire in Israel, buying start-up Quiksee. The price is estimated to be several million dollars. Both Google and Quiksee declined to respond.

The firm was founded in 2007 by CEO Gadi Royz, VP R&D Rony Amira, CTO Assaf Harel, and Pavel Yosifovich. The company's software allows Internet users to turn a simple video clip into an interactive video clip. Users can photograph any location where they are with a digital camera or mobile device, upload the file to Google Maps, and take part in the dynamic mapping of the world.
Quiksee's software turns the clip into an interactive one, by allowing people to wander through and get a real visit experience, without physically being there. Essentially it allows anyone to create location based media.
According to CEO Royz, Quiksee's technology enhances Google's Street View. It allows surfers to virtually enter a hotel, business office, or other property, without GPS or any other medium.
Estimates are that the company has raised $3 million to date, from Van Leer Group Foundation unit Docor International BV and from Ofer Hi Tech Ltd.
In April, Google made its first acquisition in Israel, buying start-up LabPixies.

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