Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Latin American Jews building in Jerusalem's Har Nof

Article published on GLOBES [online] August 18, 2009
By Ariel Rosenberg

Latin American Jews building in Jerusalem's Har Nof. Most of the members of the buyers group are Jews from Venezuela and Mexico who are planning to immigrate to Israel soon.

A buyers group of Latin American Jews will build two nine-floor residential buildings in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood.
The Pninat Har Nof will exploit the hilly topography of the site to build 70 terraced apartments of three to six rooms each. The project will also include a synagogue and Beit Midrash, spa, fitness rooms, sports fields, a banquet hall, underground parking, and a park.

Most of the members of the buyers group are Jews from Venezuela and Mexico who are planning to immigrate to Israel soon. The buyers group was organized by Moises Benarroch, a resident of the neighborhood who immigrated to Israel 13 years ago.

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