Monday, May 17, 2010

The Magnet System

Article published on Israel Defense Forces website May 17, 2010
Bar Josephine Dadon

The new Magnet system streamlines operational activity in times of emergency. Magnet is connected to radar systems allowing it to serve as an alternative alert system for high-trajectory weapon fire.

The Magnet system, which will streamline the operational activity of the Israeli Air Force, has been installed and put into operation on all IAF bases.
The Magnet presents a situation report of all IAF bases and includes a computerized operations log, replacing the manual system, which allows for faster data transfer. During security related events, the system displays the relevant areas, the number of injured, and the concentration of IAF forces, while every unit is able to update the situation on its base independently. The information is then transferred to central control posts and to the commanders of the various units and departments of the IAF.

“The guidelines for any given emergency situation are already saved in the system, so that if there is an incident, whoever directs the operation can log in to the Magnet and receive instructions,” explained the head of the Operations Department in the IAF Self-Defense Branch, Maj. Itzik Ben-Simon.

In addition, the Magnet system can form a connection to radars and other detection means, allowing an alternative alert system for high-trajectory weapon fire towards IAF bases. “The new system can send a warning regarding missiles hitting any base through a message on the screen,” explained Maj. Ben-Simon. “Until now, the alerts were given by phone from the control cell in Tel Aviv.”

The development of the Magnet system began in 2002 in the Ofek Computer Unit and a full review of its operational capabilities was recently completed. “The Magnet is more stable than in the past, and IAF commanders rely on it. The system has already been presented to the IDF Army Headquarters as well, and the IDF is examining its possible integration in the Ground Forces,” added Maj. Ben-Simon.